I think I have found what you could call an alternative. I still don't know everything I want to know, and there are some things that I am just plain ignorant about, but Twitter has definitely made me more "in the know."
Twitter is made up of statuses, statements, links, whatever you please of 140 characters or less. One blog entry could be multiple pages of reading, and who has time for that in this fast-paced world we live in? So here's what I've learned from Twitter lately from 140 or less characters per tweet.
1. This is the first time the Pens have won the Stanley Cup in 17 seasons. Something else to think about: Pittsburgh Steelers were national champions in football, Pittsburgh Penguins in hockey...Will the Pittsburgh Pirates be the next World Series champions? Absolutely not.
2. Al Mohler gives Southern Baptists a bad name. I mean, I already knew this, but a link on Twitter confirmed it even more.
3. I have seen at least 20 tweets about IT Lexington. For the record, I still have know idea what it is, but still intrigues. Check IT out.
4. Oregon state law apparently requires gas station attendants to pump your gas.
5. When Twitter was supposed to shut down for maintenance, the State Department tried to ensure that Twitter stayed up and running for Iranians to be able to communicate about the election. Social networking could save the world one day.
6. Pharmaceuticals agree to reduce the price of prescription drugs for millions of America’s seniors. That's great, but what about us youngins?
7. UK President Lee Todd's middle name is Trover. Also, on the topic of Lee Todd, he isn't proficient in constructing sentences (at least on Twitter, anyways).
8. Not only did I learn from Twitter that LSU won the college World Series, I also learned that Shaq referred to the school as "Love Shaq University."
9. There is such a thing as Derby pie milkshakes. Where can one get this treat? I haven't figured that one out yet.
10. A place called the Root Beer Stand is known to be the highlight of Corbin, Kentucky. That's more than Mt. Washington has.
Maybe one day I'll have the time and patience to read blogs and be able to consider myself a well-informed human being. For now, I'll continue to acquire knowledge through social networking sites.
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