Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Trying to be a rational consumer

I'm contemplating an investment that I never thought would cross my mind.  I might buy a bicycle. But here's the deal...I didn't even like riding bikes as a child. Also, I don't even know if I could still ride one.  As of late, I've been thinking about this investment every time I see a bike (which is pretty often on a campus the size of UK's).  And since most aspects of my life involve some sort of list-making, of course I made a pro/con list. 

1. I HATE driving.
2. I could get to class much faster.
3. CO2 emission from cars is bad news.
4.  Bikes are 2/3 more efficient than cars (Yes, I looked that up).
5.  I can skip a lot of Lexington traffic by riding a bike.
6.  I would get more exercise.
7. I will save a ton of money on gas.

1.  I don't know if I could still ride one.
2. I don't understand the bike laws.
3.  I don't think I could make it up the hill on Rose Street.  Seriously. 
4. Those tiny bike lanes sort of terrify me.  Streets without a bike lane would be even more terrifying.
5. It will mess my hair up.  
6.  I would have to spend a considerable amount of money to purchase a bike. 

I guess the pros outweigh the cons, just barely, but I'm still a little uneasy about it.  If anyone wants to give insight regarding my possible investment or wants to take me bike shopping, please feel free to do so.

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